Sustained Energy for Gluten-Free Eaters
Sustained Energy for Gluten-free Eaters is a joint venture between one of South Africa’s leading dieticians, Liesbet Delport, and her patient Sharon Alderson. Sharon suffered from serious illness and in consultation with her, Liesbet developed healthy, tasty, low GI gluten-free recipes as alternatives to the characteristically high GI gluten-free diet.
As Sharon implemented the new eating plan and Liesbet shared it with her many patients, they discovered the remarkable effect of this way of eating on optimum health. The glycemic index (Gl) is a physiological measure of how carbohydrate food affects blood glucose levels.
It is an exciting nutritional tool, working best to regulate blood glucose levels, resulting in sustained energy all day long. Using the GI markedly: improve blood glucose control in those with diabetes combats fatigue helps to curtail hunger in slimmers and those who are gluten intolerant regulates blood glucose levels of children with concentration problems enhances performance of sportsmen and -women lowers triglycerides in those with raised blood triglycerides prevents the over-secretion of insulin in those suffering from hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia combats high blood pressure and longstanding excessive weight.